Well, it’s been awhile since I have updated this site – slack I know!

Before I get started filling you in about 2014 let me give you a quick review of 2013.

2013 was the year Max and Me Marketing began along with getting into the new role of motherhood. I found my brain power seemed to be taken up by motherhood but I really wanted Max and Me Marketing to be a success so I was taking on any work directed at me and ended up doing things a marketing uni student could have done. Yes I was enjoying getting back into the working life but no, the work was not as rewarding and satisfying as I thought it would be. Something had to change.

And so came along 2014 and a more established routine of work, mumming, park time and playdates. I decided it was time to take the advice I recommended to my clients and really analyse my business and what I wanted from it. I discovered what I was doing and what I wanted to be doing were a long way apart.


Rebranding a business that was less than 12 months old seemed a little silly however it is amazing how many people end up doing it! Many of us are guilty of getting caught up in the excitement of making the decision to start out on our own and forget to perhaps do the planning required to make it a success from day one.

So began my planning process. January for me was all about planning and working out a brand for my business. Where did I see this venture going? What are my strong points? What am I most passionate about? In ten years what will I be doing? (Yeah right, who knows that!).

From all my pages of notes and brainstorming I decided as lovely as Max and Me Marketing was, it was not the brand I wanted nor would it give me the growth I projected so I needed to shelve it and Identity Branding arrived!

While I was still passionate about working with my original target audience I wasn’t as passionate about the work I was attracting.

My new mantra was born.

Identity Branding

Helping women in business to develop a strong, unique  brand that represents who they are in the inside and is authentic on the outside.

We ensure both the personal and business brand are aligned which explains why my clients are so passionate and successful.

Now I am attracting other people in my situation who are wanting to really strengthen their business brand and therefore increase their following and income.

In the coming weeks this website will change from Max and Me Marketing to Identity Branding – I am just in the process of developing a logo I absolutely love and don’t want to rush the process to get my website finished.

Stay tuned for the next part of my year of change….renting my own office space!