Lose the guilt

As a mum running a business from home it becomes very easy to get caught up in the daily grind of looking after the children then obsessing over working or cleaning during their naps. It can be quite a lonely lifestyle if you let it, particularly if you are dealing...

The unknown power of getting out and networking

I have been a bit slack with my blog over the past week so I feel I should offer you an explanation. On Monday I attended the Ausmumpreneur conference in Melbourne. Having a new baby has meant I have not been to an event in quite a few months and until I turned up I...

Social Media confusion

Social Media is now almost compulsory for businesses and yet it is so confusing that many give up before they even get started. Social media need not be the scary beast it is made out to be as long as you start slowly and invest the time and energy into starting up...

Creating your vision

*Image supplied by Kikki K What’s your vision? You may have lots of great ideas of what you would like to do and how you would like it to look but they are all in your head or in little notebooks around the house. Many people have a vision for their life and...